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看美剧学口语Well,that's a little extreme那又有点走极端了


Susan:Karl. Karl!Come here!Why didn't you answer your damn cell phone?


Karl:I turned it off.What's going on?


Susan:Where's Edie?


Karl:She's upstairs.She's been in a pissy mood ever since we left the restaurant.I don't know what's wrong with her.


Susan:She found the ring and the prenup in your briefcase.She thought you were gonna pop the question tonight.




Susan:Oh,yes.You know,this whole fake marriage thing was okay when nobody was getting hurt.What are we doing? It's a lie!I lost Mike over a lie,and now I'm doing the same thing to Dr. Ron,and--and look at Edie.She was devastated.I don't think I can go through with this.


Karl:You can't call off the wedding.How are you gonna pay for your surgery?


Susan:I don't know.You know,I'll just...I'll sell the car.


Karl:Susie,this is your health we're talking about.We're getting married.




Karl:No.Dr. Ron would be the first to say that you're doing the right thing.I'll figure out some way to handle Edie.


Susan:How? How are you gonna handle Edie?That poor woman's dreams exploded in her face tonight.You know,it's not like you can just go out and buy her flowers,and everything will be better.


Karl:Then I'll propose to her.


Susan:Well,that's a little extreme.


Karl:Not really.I was probably gonna do it eventually anyhow.Obviously we're gonna have to get a divorce before I can actually marry her.But,uh... what?


Susan:Nothing. I just...I didn't know that you loved her like that.


Karl:She's a great kid.Total package.What's the matter,Susie Q?Jealous?


Susan:No,of course not.Well,okay,this is good because...you know,if this experience helped you to realize your true feelings,then,uh...then we did something good here.


Karl:Yeah. I think we have.Come here.


Susan:I can't believe you thought I was jealous.It's not like I still have feelings for you anymore.


Karl:You're right.I-I was just fooling around.


  • in a pissy mood心情不好
  • pissy ['pɪsɪ]adj. 低劣的; 不重要的; 令人恼火的
  • pop the question求婚
  • devastated['devəsteɪt]身心交瘁的,极为震惊的
  • call off 取消
  • pay for为......付款
  • figure out想出;解决;计算出;弄明白
  • it's not like .“并不是...”的意思
  • propose to sb. 向某人求婚
  • She's a great kid.Total package.
  • total package表示的是夸赞别人完美的意思。
  • 例句:My boy's the total package.我儿子太完美了。
  • fool around主要有两个意思:游手好闲;乱搞,婚外情。
看美剧学口语Well,that's a little extreme.那又有点走极端了

  • Susan:Karl. Karl!Come here!Why didn't you answer your damn cell phone?
  • Karl:I turned it off.What's going on?
  • Susan:Where's Edie?
  • Karl:She's upstairs.She's been in a pissy mood eversince we left the restaurant.I don't know what's wrong with her.
  • Susan:She found the ring and the prenup in your briefcase.She thought you were gonna pop the question tonight.
  • Karl:Oh,no.
  • Susan:Oh,yes.You know,this whole fake marriage thing was okay when nobody was getting hurt.What are we doing? It's a lie!I lost Mike over a lie,and now I'm doing the same thing to Dr. Ron,and--and look at Edie.She was devastated.I don't think I can go through with this.
  • Karl:You can't call off the wedding.How are you gonna pay for your surgery?
  • Susan:I don't know.You know,I'll just...I'll sell the car.
  • Karl:Susie,this is your health we're talking about.We're getting married.
  • Susan:Karl--
  • Karl:No.Dr. Ron would be the first to say that you're doing the right thing.I'll figure out some way to handle Edie.
  • Susan:How? How are you gonna handle Edie?That poor woman's dreams exploded in her face tonight.You know,it's not like you can just go out and buy her flowers,and everything will be better.
  • Karl:Then I'll propose to her.
  • Susan:Well,that's a little extreme.
  • Karl:Not really.I was probably gonna do it eventually anyhow.Obviously we're gonna have to get a divorce before I can actually marry her.But,uh... what?
  • Susan:Nothing. I just...I didn't know that you loved her like that.
  • Karl:She's a great kid.Total package.What's the matter,Susie Q?Jealous?
  • Susan:No,of course not.Well,okay,this is good because...you know,if this experience helped you to realize your true feelings,then,uh...then we did something good here.
  • Karl:Yeah. I think we have.Come here.
  • Susan:I can't believe you thought I was jealous.It's not like I still have feelings for you anymore.
  • Karl:You're right.I-I was just fooling around.






1. fraternize,[ˈfrætənaɪz],v. 称兄道弟。

The artist enjoyed fraternizing with thieves, drug addicts, prostitutes, and pimps, partly out of social perversity, partly to find interesting faces to put in his paintings. Probably out of the similar reasons, Meng Changjun fraternized with people who have petty skills such as crowing like a cork or even stealing.这位艺术家喜欢与小偷、吸毒者、妓女和皮条客交往,部分是出于变态,部分是为了给他的画找到有趣的面孔。孟尝君结交鸡鸣狗盗之士大概出于类似的原因。

2. fraternal,[frəˈtɜːnl],adj. 兄弟般的,友好的。

He said he hoped the issue could be solved in a fraternal way. 他表示希望这个问题能以友好的方式解决。

3. fraternity,[frəˈtɜːnəti],n. 兄弟会,友爱。

criminal fraternity 犯罪团伙

4. sorority,[səˈrɒrəti],n. 姐妹会。

When she went to college, she joined a large sorority. 她进入大学后就加入了庞大的女学生联谊会。


1. marital,[ˈmærɪtl],adj. 词源意思是“与丈夫相关的”,而现在意思变成跟夫妻双方相关的,也就是婚姻的,extramarital [ˌekstrəˈmærɪtl],婚外的;premarital [ˌpriːˈmærɪtl],婚前的。

Do you mind if I know your marital status? 你是否介意我知道你的婚姻状况?Her husband has admitted having an extramarital affair. 她丈夫承认了有婚外情。premarital agreement 婚前协议

2. uxorial,[ʌkˈsɔːriəl],adj. 妻子的。

her uxorial duties 她妻子的责任

3. uxorious,[ʌk'sɔːrɪəs],adj. 怕老婆的,溺爱妻子的。henpecked [ˈhenpekt]也是怕老婆的,但这两个词意思不同,uxrious是因为宠爱而过于服从老婆,而henpecked是因为老婆厉害而怕老婆,《都挺好》里的苏大强就是henpecked,而不是uxrious。

The most openly uxorious husband is almost always the one who is having an affair. 最公开宠爱老婆的丈夫几乎总是有外遇的那个。


中英双语:婚礼的起源介绍 订婚戒指有什么来由蜜月来自哪里


Romans used engagement rings to indicate ownership.


According to the American Gem Society, anthropologists believe that engagement rings date back to a Roman custom in which wives wore rings with keys attached, which indicated that their husbands owned them.


Engagement rings began to get a little less dark in 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria commissioned an extravagant diamond ring for his new wife. The accessory grew in popularity in the Victorian era, and gradually the diamond ring trend trickled down from nobility to the masses.


Bridesmaids originally dressed alike to confuse vengeful spirits from harming the bride.


There is a theory that the tradition of bridesmaids dressing alike dates back to ancient Rome, the bride considered to be prime bait for vengeful spirits. So, all the women dressed alike to confuse the spirits from interrupting the bride and groom"s nuptials.


Another theory, however, dates back to the Victorian era. Dr. Liz Gloyn, a lecturer in Royal Holloway at the University of London, told?The Independent?that the tradition stemmed from fear of competition.


"It is my belief that by regulating the bridesmaids formally into exactly the same garments, there was no room for any of them to try and outdo each other, let alone the bride, through the use of grander fabric, grander jewelry," Dr. Gloyn said.


Centuries ago, a groom had to "kidnap" the bride if her family disapproved of their union. The best man was put in place to defend the groom in case the family retaliated.


The best man originated as the groom"s choice protector. Many centuries ago, it was common for a groom to "steal" a bride from her family if they didn"t approve of the union — and it was the best man"s job to fight the family if they retaliated.


It was also common practice for the best man to stand next to the groom with a sword in tow on the day of the wedding. In fact, ancient groups like the Huns, Goths, and Visigoths would store weapons in the floor of the church in the event of a brawl.


Carrying the bride across the threshold was symbolic of the bride unwillingly leaving her family.


The practice of the groom carrying the bride across the threshold of their new home or bedroom dates back to ancient Rome. At the time, the bride had to prove that she didn"t willingly leave her father"s home, as doing so would have been improper.


Romans also believed evil spirits attempted to curse the couple one last time at the threshold, so the groom had to lift the bride"s feet above the ground so as not to let the spirits enter her body.


The bouquet was originally used to mask the bride"s body odor, and it was often made with pungent herbs.


According to the?Huffington Post, the tradition of the bride carrying a bouquet dates back to the 15th century. In medieval times, people didn"t smell quite as good as they do now, so brides carried fragrant bouquets to mask their own body odor. The bouquets were often made with strong herbs, like garlic and dill.


Actually, the reason June weddings are so popular is because people used to take their annual baths in May.


To this day, people fantasize about having a June wedding — but the fixation with that summer month dates back to the 15th century, and it also relates to smell. People used to take their annual baths in May, which made June the perfect time for a good-smelling public gathering.


Veils used to be red so that the bride looked like she was on fire, which would scare maleficent spirits away.


Back in Roman times, the bridal veil was actually a red sheet called a "flammeum," which was designed to look like fire. The bride"s entire body would be covered in it, in an attempt to scare off any evil spirits.


Over time, the red went away, but veils remained a tactic used to shield the bride from maleficent forces. They also were used to weigh the bride down, and prevent them from running away.


The father handing off the bride to her husband used to be more of a business transaction.


The tradition of the father of the bride walking his daughter down the aisle to "give her away" roughly dates back to the 1549 Book of Common Prayer and the Church of England. It was more of a business transaction than anything else, as the "giving away" referred to a transfer of property.


"In Britain, as in many places, women had long been considered essentially the property of men, first their fathers and then their husbands," according to?Time.


Bachelor parties date back to ancient Sparta, and they have gotten more raucous as the years have gone on.


The tradition of a bachelor party, or "stag night," dates back to the 5th century BC in ancient Sparta. According to?Time, "Spartan soldiers held a dinner in their friend"s honor and made toasts on his behalf — with, one assumes, a Spartan sense of decorum. Since then, the events have generally grown more raucous."

婚前单身派对(stag night)要追溯到公元前5世纪的古斯巴达。据《泰晤士报》介绍:“斯巴达战士会为即将结婚的朋友摆一桌宴席,并用斯巴达礼节代表新郎祝酒。在那之后,单身派对就变得越来越喧闹。”

The more recent, wild iterations of bachelor parties gained popularity in the "80s, according to?Time.


Honeymoons originated as trips to go see the family that couldn"t make it to the wedding.


Honeymoons used to be relatively anti-climactic, originating in 18th century Britain as trips the newlyweds would take after the wedding to visit relatives who weren"t able to attend.


According to INSIDER, the word "honeymoon" became synonymous with a post-wedding vacation around 1791: "That usage first appears in a collection of German folk stories", according to the?Oxford English dictionary.


""The new-married couple spent their honey-moon in Augspurg, in mutual happiness and innocent enjoyments, like the first human pair in the garden of Eden," the sentence goes."


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页面缓存最新更新时间: 2024年09月06日星期二



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