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  • 法律知识学习
  • 2022-10-03 05:20:02
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  • 深圳律师

外国人在中国合法就业,就必须办理外国人工作许可证+工作类居留许可签证(简称“工作签证”)。而办理工作许可的最基本条件就是具有学士及以上学位和2年及以上相关的工作经历。学士学位这一条很多外国人都能满足,那么这个2年相关的工作经历,要符合什么条件才可以呢?Foreigners want to work legally in China, they must apply for work permit + work type residence permit (hereinafter referred to as “work visa”). And the most basic conditions for getting a work permit is to have a bachelor’s degree or above and 2 years or more related work experience. Many foreigners can meet the requirement of bachelor’s degree. So,2 years of related work experience certificate, what conditions need be met?

工作经历证明是指:外国人大学毕业以后,由其原工作过的单位出具从事与现聘用岗位工作相关的2年以上工作经历证明,包括职位、工作时间或曾经做过的项目,需其原工作单位加盖公章或负责人签字,并留有证明联系人有效联系电话或电子邮件。The work experience certificate refers to: after the foreigner graduated from the University, the work experience certificate of more than 2 years related to the current employment position issued by the original work unit of the foreigner, including the position, working time or the project that he has done, shall be stamped with the official seal of the original work unit or signed by the person in charge, and the effective contact telephone number or email of the certified contact person shall be kept.


—上大学期间的兼职工作经历,算工作经历吗?Is part-time work experience during university period counted as work experience?


—上大学期间,在国外工作过的,或者当兵期间的时间,可以充当工作经历吗?During the university period, worked abroad, or served in the army, can counted as work experience?


—优秀应届毕业生,需要工作经历吗?Do excellent graduates need work experience?


—外国人海外的教学经历,可以办理公司高层管理的外国人工作许可证吗?Can foreigners with overseas teaching experience apply for work permit for senior management of the company?


—外国人海外的管理层的工作经历,可以办理外教工作许可证吗?Can a foreigner apply for a foreign teacher’s work permit with his or her overseas management experience?


—以前是中国国籍的华人,在中国的工作经历可以使用吗?Those who have ever have Chinese nationality, can use their work experience in China before?


—累计2年以上的海外多个公司的工作经历,可以使用吗?Can I use the work experience in different overseas companies which add up to 2 years?


—工作经历证明需要经过大使馆认证吗?Does the work experience certificate need to be certified by the Embassy?


—工作经历证明需要翻译成中文吗?Does the work experience certificate need to be translated into Chinese?


—工作经历证明是要国内公司开具的吗?还是国外公司开具的?Is the work experience certificate issued by a China company? Or is it issued by a overseas company?

—都可以。Both are OK

—英语母语国的外国人,有教学资格证/TEFL证书,还需要工作经历吗?Foreigners from native English speaking countries have teaching qualification certificate / TEFL certificate, do they still need work experience?


劳动仲裁可以2年后仲裁ma 劳动仲裁时效两年

劳动仲裁 两年,劳动仲裁两年有效期

仲裁和解书 仲裁调解书两年后还有效吗


【本文标题和网址,转载请注明来源】两年工作经验怎么证明(工作单位个人表现证明) http://www.gdmzwhlytsq.com/hyxw/275858.html

页面缓存最新更新时间: 2024年01月09日星期一



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